These photos were taken on a copy stand for a class assignment.
Mood Lighting:

This photo is a copy of
Trichy Temple by David Lazar, published in JPG Magazine, Issue 13. Original caption: "This phto is taken at the top of the 83m-high Rock Fort--the only outcrop in the otherwise flat land of the city of Trichy in Tamil Nadu. Looking back down toward the hazy city, we see another decorative Hindu temple." The scratches are from the glass put over the image to keep it flat. Oops.
Stump the Chump:

This photo is a copy of
Tirmis Vendor at the Cairo Bazar by Jake Lester, originally published in JPG Magazine, Issue 15. Original caption: "I live in Dublin, Ohio, and Cairo, Egypt (The Midwest and the Mideast). This is a man I see often when I am in Cairo." I don't think the lighting here is too hard to figure out, but I like the picture.